Inner Voice Coaching

Inner Voice Coaching is a private, 1:1 experience. Your Higher Self will come through with raw, expanded wisdom, and your Inner Child will come through with the remembrance and a transformative opportunity of change.

(If you’re a former client and would like to schedule a follow-up session, please message me personally on instagram or email me at

You already have everything you need inside of you to create a wildly fulfilling life & business.

The only person you need to hear from to get the answers is you. 

Not a $997 course. 

Not your friends.

Not your coaches or your favorite mentor.

Not your mind. 


There’s no fast-track or golden ticket to living your best life or creating fulfillment — but if there was? Inner Voice Coaching would be it.

There’s something inside of you that isn’t fully allowing yourself to dream big.

Something inside of you that doesn’t feel safe or know what to do.⁣

You want to know if you’ll be ok, you want to know if you’ll have enough money, you want to know if you’re heading in the right direction.

It’s okay to want to know these things.

All my clients come to Inner Voice for Business to get answers to their most pressing questions.

And that’s perfectly fine because within you, is the place where all the answers lie.

The place where safety exists.⁣

⁣The place where abundance exists.⁣

The place where everything you want to heal is healable.

Where everything you want to fix is fixable.

Your solutions are all there.

Within you.

And I call this place your Inner Voice.

(If you’re a former client and would like to schedule a follow-up session, please message me personally on instagram or email me at

If we haven’t connected before…

Hiiii, I’m Nicole, and I’m a middle school dance teacher turned entrepreneur, channel, lover, friend, and Inner Voice Coach. I sincerely love working from my couch and I have a thing against blindly following authority and societal norms. What moves me is sovereignty - or the ability to govern oneself. And I believe that everyone has an inner compass that’s 1000x more accurate and power than any rule book or person standing on a pedestal.


When my Inner Voice guided me to leave my job as a middle school teacher, I had no plan, no business model, no clients, and no idea what was about to happen a month later.

Let’s back up to April 2020 right after COVID-19 took the world by storm and prompted global shutdowns. I was sitting in my mom’s kitchen, and we’d just been sent home to teach virtually when I heard a voice from deep within.

You’re not going back to work.

My mind was freaking terrified. But my Inner Voice was freaking ready.

I had dreamed of being self-employed and was trying desperately to make it work - buying courses, trying to grow my following online, anything and everything.

I spent an afternoon outside journaling to my Inner Voice, asking it over and over again whether I should leave my job, how I would leave it, how I would have enough money, and whether I would be okay.

One month later, I had matched my teacher salary with income from the Inner Voice sessions alone, and I knew the time had come to take the leap.

So, I quit my job as a middle school teacher and went all-in on my business.

Since following my Inner Voice and allowing it to take the lead in my business, I’ve created results including…

  • Fully booking out my client roster within 6 months

  • Creating a community of 1,000+ Inner Voicers all over the world through Instagram

  • Generating consistent 5-figure monthly income 

  • Supporting over 100 clients across a wide diversity of industries (and no, not just coaches!) - from singers to brand designers - to bring Inner Voice into their business and client work

  • Moving into a beautiful high-rise apartment in downtown Atlanta (a level of luxury I dreamed of for years!) and being able to *more than* support myself financially

With the guidance of my Inner Voice, I made massive shifts and calibrated to new levels of success along the way.  And you guys…I’m just getting started!!!

Yes, my Inner Voice is powerful, but this story also demonstrates that... ⁣

  1. YOUR Inner Voice is powerful.

  2. All Inner Voices are powerful.


But here’s the thing: I didn’t do any of this alone and it took a lot of really deep work.

What I’ve learned is that we are BIG even when we feel small. ⁣But until we care for our being and process fears FULLY, they will continue to run the show. ⁣

So while I’ll shout Inner Voice from the rooftops, I also know how incredibly important it is to have trusted support along the journey to really break through the years of social conditioning and calibrate to a new way of being - from the efforting space of the mind to the grounding space of your Inner Voice.

Even before I connected with my Inner Voice, I knew my Inner Voice lead me to Nicole. IV work is deep (and not always glamourous) and the results are equally profound. I processed, healed and loved up a ton of inner child wounds and experienced the beauty of leaning into my fears and darkness. Had a big income month which has more than paid for two rounds of coaching with Nicole. Perhaps the most liberating breakthrough so far is that I’m now sending out quotes based on a number that lights me up, instead of doing the exhausting mental dance of figuring out what’s the ‘right’ price for them to say ‘yes’. Since then, everyone who has accepted my quotes have been hell yes clients! I know my Inner Voice is my sidekick through the ebbs and flows of my life, and everyday I’m leaning more into living from my heart space rather than my head space. Working with Nicole feels calming, safe and fun, and I love working with her!

— Li, Graphic Designer


Here’s How:

Transformational Coaching

With personalized support from a certified Inner Voice facilitator, you’ll create transformations bigger and faster (because often when we do this work by ourselves, it’s easy for the mind chatter to interfere and cut us off early).

I’ve created my own signature coaching process called “Inner Voice Coaching” that draws on three components to help you release the emotions and heaviness that keep you from feeling as big and expansive as you truly are and create mind-body-Inner Voice integration. Thee three components are: connecting with Inner Voice, soothing fears, and creating new beliefs.

It’s easy to feel discouraged or overwhelmed by the mind (and fears). But by having a trained facilitator hold space for you and guide you through letting go of any disruptive thoughts or emotions that surface, you’re able to re-train your mind to align with your Inner Voice so you can tap into this well of wisdom and receive guidance on a regular basis.


I originally came to Nicole and Inner Voice for answers in my business, but I leave every week with a deeper relationship to myself. Every time I leave with a deeper understanding of my own rhythms, my flow, what I truly need, and what I most deeply want. I discover more ways to manifest my desires, and every week I have more evidence that it works. My purpose is illuminated, and I leave with immense peace and trust. Nicole is incredibly skilled, while also being gentle, open, and wise beyond belief. She always leads our sessions with so much ease, care, and wisdom - getting to the heart of so much valuable information - all of which has helped my business, relationships, and my own self concept. 

— Katrina, Coach for Singers


Inner Voice Coaching is for you if…

  • The version of you today is ready to let go of it being so hard and embrace a different path to creating the results you desire (by becoming what you desire instead of striving for it).

  • ⁣You’re ready to let go of the constant inner critic, lean deeper into trust, and see that everything is working.

  • You want to create a life/business where you do work you love AND honor yourself.

  • You’re tired of following someone else’s path and want to do business your way.

  • You want something that goes beyond understanding something “intellectually” that can help you integrate and embody your beliefs, so you can attract your desires instead of chase after them.

The Details

Inner Voice Coaching is a private, 1:1 experience. Imagine an intuitively guided experience where Spirit is in charge. I tune into your energies to allow it to lead us. Often, your Higher Self will come through with raw, expanded wisdom. Other times, your Inner Child will come through with the remembrance and a transformative opportunity of change.

The coaching package is three months. This gives you (and your connection with your Inner Voice) time go at your own pace. Each session is specifically tailored to you and your needs and builds off the week before. Some sessions may be all Inner Voice and some may be more mindsets or nervous system based. It depends on what you’re needing. In addition to the weekly sessions there’s private messenger (Voxer) offered in between each session. Therefore, if you need support when you’re not in session we can still talk and process what comes up for you at anytime during the 3 months together. The cost is $3,000, 3x$1000, or 4x$750.

The Clients

Nicole has coached 100s of clients all around the world, from first time Inner Voicers to intuitive channelers; from entrepreneurs starting from $0 to $500K+ plus. She has a knack for helping aspiring and working business owners partner with their Higher Selves to create a life and businesses that brings the more joy.

The Pre-work

No pre-work or Inner Voice experience is required to book a call.


How to get started

Click the button below and you’ll be prompted to schedule a Discovery Call. (If you’re a former client and would like to schedule a follow-up session, please message me personally on instagram or email me at

Nicole's approach to coaching sets her apart from every other person you could find on YouTube, IG ...its not about the platform and its not a sales job. Her expertise makes her the perfect coach for anyone who is a multi-discipline creative because she understands how to support her clients through a multitude of challenges. It is a very down to earth yet sophisticated program she has launched and as a client I have continued to tell her how RARE it is for me to sign up for something like this. But it's more than an investment, more than than just her hipping me to concepts like 'nervous system healing' and 'parts work'. I see results in my own life and approach to business and I would recommend anyone hire her as a coach also. Her coaching is showing me that becoming SELF EMPLOYED naturally involves healing a relationship WITH self.

— Merc, Music Producer & PR Consultant



What exactly do you mean by “Inner Voice”?

Your Inner Voice is your direct connection to Source energy. It’s THE connection to love. It’s THE connection to what’s possible. It’s the part of you that we often refer to as our Inner Being, Higher Self, or True Self.

Is Inner Voice Coaching the same thing as mindset coaching?

Not at all! Mindset coaching tends to be focused on, you guessed it…the mind. Inner Voice coaching is about going beyond the mind. If you’re new to IV work, the best way to describe it is the difference between thinking about hunger and feeling hungry. There’s a sensory, embodied experience that I feel is essential to connect to Source energy and the beyond. This is where you can access your higher self, the divine in you that has no fear, no ego, only peace. Whereas mindset coaching focuses on getting your thoughts on board, Inner Voice coaching is more concerned with getting your feelings on board so you can transform your beliefs and uplevel your being. Instead of fighting with the mind and its thoughts, we observe it, allow it, and honor it for what it is designed for: thinking. And we use our Inner Voice (aka intuition) for what it is designed for: divine guidance, creation, and wisdom. With that said, Nicole also loves mindset coaching as well and will use it when necessary primarily in Voxer.

Do you only work with business owners?

Nope! I work with all people who are intentionally trying to manifest something or a have a great desire for change in their life. The session would be the exact same for you, but less business focused and more personal focus. Follow the same steps above if you’d like to book a session.

What if I’ve never done an Inner Voice session before?

Honestly, many of my new clients have never done an Inner Voice session before working with me. Either they’ve done a lot of personal growth work and are curious about Inner Voice, or they’ve communicated with their Inner Voice through writing, journaling, or some other way. Whether you’re a seasoned Inner-voicer or a complete newbie, I will walk you through the basics of how to connect with your Inner Voice, so there’s nothing to be afraid of. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions that come up along the way, and I’m here for all of it! If you’re really curious, download my free guided meditation “The Inner Voice Experience”.

What if I’ve tried to connect with my Inner Voice before but couldn’t hear it? How do I know whether it’s my Inner Voice or my mind?

Ah, I hear you! This is probably the #1 obstacle that comes up for my clients as they learn to connect with their Inner Voices on a more regular basis. What I like to say is that it feels different. Wisdom that comes from your Inner Voice often feels expansive and peaceful. A thought that comes from the mind tends to feel contracting and heavy. When in doubt, ask! You can always ask your Inner Voice follow up questions or ask for something to be rephrased or communicated with you in a different way. Bottom line? Don’t stop at the doubt - keep going, it’s all part of the process!

Why don’t you offer one-off Inner Voice sessions?

One-off sessions are only available for former clients, who have, spent a significant amount of time with their Inner Voice (3-months min) and who have cultivated an inseparable bond with this connection. If you’ve never connected to your Inner Voice or coached with me, offering you a one-off session could potentially hinder your relationship with your Inner Voice:

  1. The pressure to create an immediate result could thwart your understanding and propensity to try again. If you only had one hour to connect with your Inner Voice your mind would have a harder time relaxing. If this is your very first experience it could create significant shame. When healthy relationships, especially with Self, are created overtime.

  2. You would not experience the transformation that happens when you develop a bond with your Inner Voice. This is why I love coaching. In this space you build a relationship with your Inner Voice, not a touch and go exchange. But a *bond* that lasts a lifetime.

  3. Inner Voice Coaching is not butterflies and rainbows. Underneath its wisdom is often dark shadows hiding in the crevasses, unprocessed shame (grief), unworthiness, and an inner child that hasn’t had an opportunity to be seen, loved, or heard. A one-off session will not touch on an ounce of that!

  4. Truly hearing what you need requires lots of time spent in the magic realm of stillness, doing nothing, and expanding your capacity to receive. Which requires us to dismantle the mind’s urgency to do, do, do and get, get, get. This un-doing is not a one-off process.

Please send me a private message if you are a former client on instagram or email me at


A final, personal message from my Inner Voice to yours💕

What I want you to know is that everything you need to infuse more fun, more joy, and more play into your business is already within. All you have to do is open yourself up to the process and allow your Inner Voice to come through.

I know doing the deep, inner work isn’t always fun or easy (although it definitely can be), but there’s nothing more magical than connecting with your Inner Voice.

It’s my wish for each of you to tap in and access this well of wisdom and experience your own power. To feel like the fierce, powerful business owner and service provider that you are. No more making decisions from a place of doubt, pressure, or urgency. 

With lovel,

Nicole 💕