You already have everything you need inside of you to create a wildly successful business.

The only person you need to hear from to get the answers is you. 

Not a $997 course. 

Not your friends.

Not your coaches or your favorite mentor.

Not your mind. 


There’s no fast-track or golden ticket to living your best life or achieving business success — but if there was? Your Higher Self would be it.

This guided experience will allow you to connect, hear, and feel your Higher Self more deeply. By downloading the file, using the button below, you’ll gain access to a three-part series:

Track 1: Welcome, From Inner Voice

Track 2: How To Listen

Track 3: The Inner Voice Experience

Simply enter your email below, and the download will be sent directly to your inbox.



Hi! If we haven’t met I’m Nicole.

I’m a middle school dance teacher turned Inner Voice Coach, and I help entrepreneurs leverage their Inner Knowing to create and build businesses.

I’ve helped 100+ clients find clarity with Inner Voice and have built a six figure business doing it with out blanket strategies, best practices, or using formulas.

I love working from my couch, dislike being told what to do, and believe everyone has an inner compass that’s 1000x more powerful than any “rule book” out there.

Enjoy these free tracks!